Home Services Solar Business Strategy


International Finance provides the following types of services

Power-Purchase Agreements
International Finance provides "electrical power" to commercial entities; we own the generation system but you "own" the power. Our business strategy removes the financial barriers and risks usually associated with capital purchase and installation of leading edge technology. There are no capital cost to the client for the installation of our EnergyModule® systems. We provide electricity, hot water, A/C and space heat with guaranteed deep discounts against grid power tariff rates. We invest in our suppliers to maximize the efficiency of our components and reliability of our supply system.


Solar-Energy Development
We believe in solar and as consumers and governments around the world strive to reduce the cost of energy and reduce the production of harmful greenhouse gases they will to. In one minute, the sun provides enough energy to run the world for a year if it could only be better utilized. We are betting innovative solar companies will do just that. The efficiency and effectiveness of current renewable energy technology and projects are being constantly evaluated for opportunities to improve them and they are improving. We are located in California, which has positioned itself in the near term to become one of the worlds leading generators of electricity from solar energy. We are uniquely qualified to benefit from that positioning. Our past experience in renewable energy has mostly been with wind but we are now aggressively pursuing solar ventures as well.

We are not tied to any particular technology and intend to provide diversified solutions to specific energy opportunities, we will utilize the best ideas and processes. However, even the best ideas and processes cannot succeed if the are under funded and in the energy world, not tax advantaged. We rally the financing and provide access to end users; we procure and plan projects; we identify and facilitate the tax advantages; and as a bonus we have the ability from our internal product demand to incubate company start-up and ensure success.


Investment Approach
International Finance's investment approach and philosophy allows us to seek out technologies and fund companies that have the potential to create and change core market segments. Our capital model and tax advantaged approach allows us a certain flexibility and continuity not otherwise enjoyed by other venture companies. We can fund companies at the very early stages and stay with them long term. We provide the financing but you still run the company.


Asset Management
The asset management and restructuring department of International Finance maintains an active oversight responsibility for itself and various other clients. We have client agreement and are committed to reducing the multi-million dollar energy cost of these assets. This is our main source of a rapidly growing internal demand for renewable energy. As a bonus our Asset Management professionals are equity financing and tax advantage experts and can provide that service to all of our partners.

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